Diagnostic Imaging of Salem from Open MRI to a Multi-Modality Imaging Center Marketing
After experiencing an 8% drop in scan volume, Oregon Open MRI decided to broaden its imaging and radiological capabilities to better accommodate referring physicians and their patients. This included the addition of both high field MRI and 3D/4D ultrasound. As a result, the center changed its name to Diagnostic Imaging of Salem and enlisted the help of Armada Medical Marketing to help it position and market its new diagnostic imaging modalities to area physicians.
Armada began by designing a new center logo and stationery package. New marketing communications materials were also created, and included capabilities brochures for physicians, new referral pads and patient information brochures. Along with a series of case studies highlighting exciting new capabilities. In addition, individual radiologists were profiled in each case study. Finally, a consumer print and radio advertising campaign engaged consumers and informed them of their ability to ‘choose’ their imaging centers.
The campaign helped Diagnostic Imaging of Salem realize a 45% jump in overall scan volume. Scans on the new high field MR system exceeded those from the Open MR system for the first time, and continue to grow. Ultrasound tests grew from zero to an average of 140 per month, and continue to increase.