BreathTek “Coin Toss” Campaign
Armada helped the Medical Device Division of Otsuka Pharmaceutical with an innovative marketing campaign for the company’s BreathTek UBT, a breath test designed to detect H. pylori… the bacteria linked to 90% of all peptic ulcers and 100% of gastritis cases. The breath test was far superior to the serology (blood) test, yet serology was still used by 97% of all physicians. Our creative theme came from a quote buried deep within a clinical guideline statement from the American College of Gastroenterology that read “Using serology to test for H. pylori is no better than a coin toss” which referred to serology’s poor positive predictive value (~50%) for identifying infection in low prevalence populations. The campaign helped BreathTek triple market share from 3% to 9% in only nine months.
OAPI BreathTek ‘Coin Toss’ Banner Ad